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Frequently Asked Questions
What Is CRC?
Complaint Response Center (CRC) is an electronic system, which allows for two-way communication between the California Department of Insurance and its licensed insurance companies. CRC is the sole means for delivering and receiving complaint information with regard to consumer complaints. The CRC replaces mailing, faxing or emailing.
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Are Wave Files Acceptable?
Wave files, such as recorded statements, should not be uploaded to the Complaint Response Center. The claim file should include a summary in the file notes. However, the Department reserves the right to request either a transcription of the recording or a copy of the wave file via email/mail.
What Is Expected of the Licensee with Regard to Uploading Documents to the Pre-designated Categories?
We have provided a list of categories to assist in organizing your response to the Department. In addition, the use of bookmarks to identify certain specific information within a file is greatly appreciated.
Can Documents Be Deleted Once Uploaded?
No, in order to protect the integrity of the complaint content, items cannot be deleted once uploaded to the system.
How Long Can the System Go Unattended Before It Times Out?
If the browser is left open for longer than 60 minutes without any activity, the system will time out and the user will need to close the browser and log back into the system again in order to view and respond to complaints.
What Is the Capacity for Uploads?
The capacity is 25 MB. The fastest and most efficient way to upload documents or images is in pdf format. Images uploaded in jpeg or tiff format require more space than pdf documents. Also, please note, files approaching 24 MB should be broken down to allow for successful uploading as the size displayed could be slightly different than actual as reflected in the example below.

Are Complaints Uploaded at a Certain Time during the Day?
Complaints will be uploaded throughout the day generally between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. PST.